Monday, November 5, 2007

oh, caulk!

one of the final details that we have been doing in our remodeling project is caulking. the hubby and i scraped and removed the old caulk around the crown molding before we painted and then removed the old caulk from both bathtubs over the weekend. the hubby had a pretty frustrating time trying to caulk below the crown molding in the dining room, but he ended up doing a great job. after seeing how annoyed he was with the caulk gun, i decided that i would do him a favor and do the rest of the caulking myself. besides, he had more important projects that needed his attention (like installing cool, new toilet paper holders and hanging a few pictures). do you know how maddening it is when you finish up a caulk line and the caulk doesn’t stop coming out of the tube? it just keep squirting out, even if you put a cap on it!
i was crouched inside the guest bathtub caulking, and the hubby was using the level to measure for the toilet paper holder right next to me when this conversation took place:
wifey: “you know, caulk could be a bad word in our family's vocabulary after this experience. you could say the word and no one would know that you were sort of cussing.”
hubby: “except that it already sounds like a bad word.”
wifey, not quite grasping what the hubby meant: “wouldn’t it be great? you could say something like, ‘oh, caulk!’” pause… “um, yeah, i see what you mean. scratch that idea.”


One Crazy Adventure said...

Heehee. We have that same problem when KK tries to say 'Croc' (for her shoes).

Sara said...

Ha ha, I sat here and said "Oh caulk" out loud and totally got the bad word....too funny.

amy said...

my husband laughed when i told him about this post, esp. since he makes fun of the way i say it, with a strong "L". it's probably because i'm unconsciously avoiding any misperception about the word i'm saying, because we certainly don't want the wrong thing lining our crown molding, right?

love the pic, by the way. i'm slowly piecing you and the hubs together.

also, haven't read the latest post yet, but have been waiting for part 2....