Wednesday, September 5, 2007

workin' girl

my last post reminded me that i have yet to explain why/how/where i'm working. it's a quick story, really. before i moved away to marry my hero of a hubby, i worked for an awesome homebuilding company and had a killer of a job. unfortunately, they didn't have an office in the city that my hubby brought me to, so i had to find a new job. that job lasted nearly a year and then i decided to spend lots of quality time with my hubby and bozeman. fast forward to sometime in july, when my former boss from the really cool company called me and asked if i would consider helping them out in a teeny-tiny office that they had set up in our town. i had already told the company that the military would be moving us away in a few months, but that didn't deter them and they offered to let me do it on a contract basis, so the hubby and i took 2 or 3 weeks to discuss the pros and cons. we eventually came to the conclusion that i would go back to work until we move. and i'm glad that we did, because i'm loving it... except for the bathroom facilities in the office.
did i mention that this is a teeny-tiny office? well, we are actually in a warehouse and we have contractors coming in and out all day long. way in the back of the warehouse is a single, teensy bathroom. i'm not sure how many years it has been since it was cleaned, but i'm guessing that i wasn't legal the last time it was scrubbed. oh, and the toilet seat is always up when i go back there, because i'm the only woman in this place. seriously. the first week that i was in the office, i tried to dehydrate myself so i wouldn't have to use the bathroom all day long. well, my husband opened my eyes to how stupid of an idea that was, so i've had to get creative. my desk is stocked with antibacterial wipes and antibacterial hand sanitizer and if people could see what goes on behind closed doors in that bathroom when i'm in it, they'd laugh their socks off. i don't touch a thing without toilet paper or paper towels covering my hands. i choose my lunchtime destinations based on their restroom facilities. when i go to the cafe down the street i breathe a sigh of relief, because they have two bathrooms - one for the women and one for the men! it's a breath of fresh air. literally.
all sarcasm aside, i love the job and the people in this company. i do miss visiting my hubby for lunch, but there will be more time for that in the future =)


Chastity said...

Well, the bathroom sounds disgusting, but at least you like your job, which is a lot more than most people can say :).

Sara said...

That bathroom sounds nasty - you should take a picture!

Jamie said...

okay, i took some pictures this morning, but will have to wait until i get home tonight to download them. i can't believe i risked taking my camera in there...