Sunday, September 9, 2007

a wifey's dream come true

yesterday, at costco, my hubby caught me drooling over a machine that i will forever dream of owning. it was this really cool steamer-iron-ironing board combination. guess how much it cost? just over $1,000! not a waste of money in my eyes, though. and this morning, while ironing my hubby's undershirts (our church is still relatively new and meets every other sunday), i came up with reason number 327 for owning that steamer-iron-ironing board for the low, low price of $1,000+: i can't dry my hubby's military uniforms with fabric softener, so they come out less soft than i'd like them to. i also can't iron them *sigh,* because of the material that they are made of. BUT, if i had the steamer-iron-ironing board combination system in my house, i could hang the uniforms on a hanger and then steam them and make them all nice and wrinkle-free and my hubby would look spiffy and smooth. well, he already does, but he would look even more spiffy and smooth and his buddies would probably pester him with questions about how he got his uniforms to be so amazingly wrinkle free and he would just smile and think about his $1,000+ well spent at costco.

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