Tuesday, October 2, 2007

fall tv line-up

everyone has their fall tv line-ups posted on their blogs right now and so i thought i'd jump in the mix. except for one problem: i don't have one! that's because we don't have cable in our house. and it's by choice. you probably think the hubby and i are really weird now that i've said that. neither one of us had cable before we got married and we didn't feel that we needed to add it to our already crazy-busy lives after we got married. we rent movies all the time, so it isn't like we are totally against having a tv. it's just that, well, it would be too easy to get sucked into watching a tv show (or two or three) every night if we let ourselves, and we have so many other things that we never seem to have time to do anyhow. right now, for instance, we are painting every single wall on the inside of our condo, trying to decide what to replace our carpet with, looking for a piece of tile to match the cracked one in the guest bath, and looking for houses in the city where we'll be moving in just a few short months. and even if we weren't doing all of that, we have soooo many books that we bought but haven't had time to read, recipes to make, piano to practice, books to write, a dog to play with, etc. the list is always going to be there and i just feel that for us, personally, it would only hurt us to add several tv shows to our current schedule. i'm not trying to be holier than thou, i'm just telling you what works for us at our house. are there any other strange people out there without a fall tv line-up?


Morgan said...

We don't even own a tv. We watch movies on our computer and are, actually, watching Lost from abc.com. That way we can watch it when we want to. I definitely agree that we are WAY to busy to be watching several shows a night (but, just like you, if it was available that's probably what we'd be doing)

Real Life in South Carolina said...

We watch way too much tv.

Anonymous said...

we watch too much tv too. sometimes i wish we didn't. heh.