Friday, July 6, 2007

he's home!!!

i am seriously still on a high from my husband's homecoming. i wish there was some way to show you pictures of how cool it was without revealing what part of the military, etc that he is in and possibly comprising his safety. seriously, it was confirmed again, that he is my superhero =) he is such a stud and i am so proud to be married to him.
some of my neighbors even got into the spirit and tied yellow ribbons around all their trees and then went and got yellow balloons for the lamp and sign posts. it was so cool to see that they were almost as excited as i was! the in-laws were in town for a few days and i was more than exhausted by the time they left because we were doing all the touristy stuff around town while they were here. my hubby and i just vegged on the couch and watched movies the day they left and have almost fully recuperated. he went back to work today and i hit the gym for 2 classes right in a row... i really needed it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i'm so glad he's home!! i know how happy you are.