Wednesday, July 18, 2007

great way to meet your neighbors

the fire alarm in our condo building just went off and it was so loud that i couldn't even think about what to grab and take outside with me in case it really was a fire. i just grabbed the dog and my purse and ran outside. i tell you what, the neighbor who i play "post-it note tag" with was out there, so we got to talk about the leak that came from our condo and dripped down to her condo and then the neighbor across the hall stuck her head out the door and i got to see what the inside of their condo looked like. and then there were neighbors that i knew were home but didn't bother even looking outside to see if it was a real fire or not. are those the doors that i should have been pounding on as the dog and i made our way downstairs? probably, but as we reached the ground floor, the alarm stopped and our property manager was right there to tell us that it was just a test. nice. i felt like i was back in my college dorm. oh well, it got me up from the computer =) now i get to go take the dog for a walk in this miserable heat. might be a good excuse to walk him at the beach... hmmm...
oh, and when i get back, i'll tell you how a few of the other officer's wives and i had a meatball sub lunch sale at my hubby's work today for a fundraiser. it was so much fun and i got to wear my cute apron so i could protect my white shirt.

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