Thursday, July 19, 2007


so yesterday, as i was putting together meatball sub sandwiches for the fundraiser on base, all i could think about was (and correct me if i'm just imagining that this is the right movie) lady and the tramp and the guy who serves them the spaghetti and meatballs and how he says "meatball." one of the other wifeys brought her 1 yr old son with her. as he was sitting in his stroller watching us ladies, i kept turning to him and saying "meataball" "meataball" and by the time we were cleaning up, he was saying it just like me =) sweet. kids are so cute.
speaking of kids, some of the guys and gals who work with my hubby are just kids themselves! it will really make you feel old when you are standing there taking lunch money from a kid and he calls you "ma'am." those guys are so polite and it took all i had to figure out what some of their first names were. i would introduce myself by my first name and then ask what their name was (i recognized some of their last names on their uniforms as people who were deployed with my husband), they would say their rank and last name. that's how everyone addresses each other around the "office," so when outsiders come in, it kinda throws them for a loop. oh, and while i was there, we had the tables set up in front of these doors where i could just look through the glass in the doors and see my hubby out there doing some work and it made me so happy. he is such a stud and so brilliant and wise and hard-working. i am so proud of him.
and speaking of the hubby... while he was deployed, he picked up a very nice present for me. he would have normally given it to me as soon as he got home, but i told him that i wanted to wait until our 1st anniversary to open it. what was i thinking? only two more weeks to wait and then i'll get to open it, though! it doesn't help that i gave him his big anniversary present as soon as he got home... i am not good at waiting with the surprises. at all. i got him this seriously cool kayak/bike rack to put on the top of his truck and i think he was as excited about it as i had hoped he would be. now, when we go kayaking, we can just hoist the kayaks on top of the truck and it will look pretty stellar and make his truck look all studly and stuff. although, it is already a very studly truck if you ask me. ha. the gas mileage is not so studly, but that's ok.


Unknown said...

Your blog is very interesting!
Please, send me the photo of a your t-shirt or a your clock / watch and the link of your blog,
I' ll publish in my blog!
Thanks Ivo

Liz said...

Haha... I love that the truck will look studly!

Chastity said...

Oh, I can't wait to hear what the surprise is. I actually really love suprises...the waiting is fun to me...I'm a freak.