Monday, July 9, 2007

see you tonight, honey

he's back at work today and i'm... not. this morning as i watched my husband walk out the door on his way to work, i realized that i don't have a job. it's not that i haven't realized it over the past 4 weeks. in fact, i've been enjoying it, especially when it meant that i could spend a week uninterrupted with my husband. but now that he is back at work and i'm here at home with my grocery list and pile of laundry, i'm feeling a bit unimportant. God must have wanted me to feel better about myself, because not 5 minutes after my hubby walked out the door, a very good friend of mine called just to check on me. we talked a bit, and after hanging up with her because her 4 year old son was running away from her at the mall, i decided to get to work and be useful around this house. that was an hour ago and i still haven't done much. instead, i decided to check my neglected email account and found that i had over one hundred emails that i had to sort through. whew. now i'm done and i'm going to look up this "motivated mommies" website i heard about that is supposed to give me some list of things to do all day long. and no, i'm not regretting quitting my job, because it was something i couldn't tolerate any longer, but yes, i need to find some purpose. and quick.

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