Wednesday, June 13, 2007

what not to wear to my husband's homecoming...

a black eye. i was playing with the dog and got knocked in the face with his "knee" (do dogs really have knees?) when he was jumping on the couch (yes, we let him get on the couch). hopefully the ice will do its trick and i won't have any bruises. don't you love my ice pack cover? =)


Pink Sun Drops said...

I'm pretty sure they do! My dog ran past me while I was sitting on the couch and gave me a gnarly bruise on my shin. I wasn't sure how the heck that happened but now that I've read this maybe that's what it was!

Pink Sun Drops said...

Hope you don't end up with a black eye!!!

Anonymous said...

oh no!! i hope you don't end up with a black eye either. i didn't know dogs have knees. i guess you never really think about that.