Friday, July 11, 2008

"take the wifey to work" day

this morning, i willingly woke up at 4am. bozeman and i went for our morning walk while it was barely light outside and i ate breakfast much sooner than normal. i even skipped shaving my legs in the shower so i wouldn't be late. for what, you ask? for work with LH! today was his department's spouse appreciation day and they gave us the chance to walk a few steps in our spouses' shoes. i even got to wear one of LH's uniforms. of course, it might have been better if i had gotten the memo from a few of the other spouses that they were going to wear cute high heeled shoes with the uniforms, but i decided not to let the lack of a stylish pair of shoes ruin my day.

after a quick little talk about safety and such, we spouses were given a short tour. we got to see the men and women that work with our hubbies every day and see the spaces where our hubbies spend many of their waking hours. i've seen that sort of thing before, so while i was impressed, it wasn't earth shattering. what was, however, was seeing my hubby in action. i actually got to go through some of his daily routines by his side and see how difficult some of his work really is. i even got to try a few things on my own! not only was i impressed with the level of skill needed, but i was also impressed with the manner in which LH conducted his business. it was like seeing my hubby through a new pair of eyes and i liked it very much. i've always had oodles of respect for LH, but today, it multiplied exponentially. LH is a big stud. i just thought you all should know that =)

of course, while i would have tried my darndest to keep up with the pace all day long, i didn't have the option. instead, i headed over to the gym on base and waited for LH to finish up for the day. while i ran on the treadmill, i had happy thoughts of LH running through my head. i not only feel like i understand the job a little bit better, but also my hubby and his coworkers. today's fun day raised my respect and patience levels and i hope that they will continue to do this sort of thing in the future and hopefully spread it around for other departments and to other bases.


TRS said...

How fun!
You should know that we all appreciate what he does (serving in the military)

Have you ever told us what he does? Or is that classified from the blog?!

Dreams of a Country Girl said...

wow -- if he does not read this post and buy you flowers and rip all your cloths off and kiss you all over...then he is not worthy of your bloggin love.

Anonymous said...

What a great idea for spouses to get some working knowledge of their other half's work day. That is wonderful. It's so great to know that couples can still be crazy in love with each other.

Jamie said...

no, i've never said exactly what he does on this blog. LH likes his privacy for now, at least. if you really want to know, just email you and i'll let you know.