Friday, July 25, 2008


i love "aha" moments in life. you know how suddenly a bunch of details add up to finally make sense and you get this aha feeling? the night LH and i got engaged, i had flown in to visit him directly from work. he was getting ready to deploy for the first time and i was there to say my goodbyes. we had dinner plans for that evening and i changed into what i thought was the perfect outfit however, after i came out of the bathroom, LH asked if i could wear something different. LH had never had any objections about any of my clothes, so i was kind of surprised, but i changed into a somewhat nicer shirt. later, after he proposed, it all made sense. he knew that we were about to get engaged and that i would want a nicer shirt for the pictures that we were going to send to everyone with the news. aha!

and then there were those two crazy years where i decided that God wanted me to stay single. whew! what on earth was that about? once i met LH and realized that he was going to be deploying a few times during our lifetime, those two years all made sense. during that time, i learned how to be more independent and lost all fear of showing up at places where i knew no one and just jumping in to new situations. that definitely prepared me to survive 6+ months without the love of my life by my side.

sometimes, i have aha moments from God, too, and i totally love them. so many seemingly insignificant details will all suddenly make sense and i'll realize that he was preparing me for that exact moment in time and i'll be so grateful. i have some distinct memories where i've been sitting on the floor or walking the dog or talking to LH and suddenly it all makes sense. most of the moments are just too private to share on a blog with the world. others i may work up the courage to share later. but you know, it all makes me wonder about where LH and i are in life right now. for all i know, we're paying for two homes with one income in this weird little town because God is preparing us to live in africa one day on a teeny tiny salary. okay, i don't really think that's it at all, but that's exactly the gist of what i mean. i could keep on guessing forever about our situation right now, or i could just make the best of it and know that the aha moment is out there somewhere. one day, it will all make sense and i'll know it all had a purpose.


Patriot said...

Just want to thank you for this post today. I am in a period of questioning and wondering - and it just helps to know that one day it might make sense! Thanks!

Chastity said...

What a wonderful, positive post! God has so much in store for us that we cannot understand. God bless!!

TRS said...

Oh yes... God works that way and it takes years sometimes to put all those pieces of the puzzle together.

Even better is, when we finally see God face to face we'll get this HUGE aha as all the questions we wonder and struggle through will be answered. Even the value of mosquitoes on this planet will be not only evident, but crystal clear - and we'll be so happy for all the millions of times we've been bit and itchy! Ya think? or is that a stretch?

My theory for this really long period of unemployment - is that God is teaching me to need others. I've always been so crazy-independant that even dates have mentioned that I don't let anyone do anything for me.
I chased my career for years - saying I would never move for a man. That I would want my hubby to stay home with the kids. Now I'm so ready to be a SAHM.
But I'm still not sure about that theory - since I'm 38 and still single. Hmmm.

Sorry again for the really long comment! :(