Thursday, July 3, 2008

the good, the bad and the thursday

if you've ever seen the movie game plan, you know that "stupid is a mean word." i agree. i also think that hate is a mean word. so rather than do the "love/hate" game that i like reading on other blogs, i've decided to create my own version. as you can see in the title, it is called "the good, the bad and the thursday." because thursdays aren't quite fridays they are kinda ugly. so there you have it. and here you have my good, bad and thursday list for the week:

good: nice, clean cut grass with straight lines

bad: women don't sweat, they glisten. however, if anyone happens to drive by while i'm mowing the grass, they'll realize what a lie that is... because i usually lose a couple pounds just from sweating while mowing the grass (don't worry, the pounds come back as soon as i rehydrate)

thursday: dirt and grass clippings stick to the sweat and create a nice, pasty mess that has to be sprayed off with the hose before entering my relatively clean house

good: realizing that you have a pear tree in your back yard that is producing mass quantities of pears. i'm pulling my paula dean cookbook off the shelf to find a good cobbler recipe

bad: LH doesn't eat pears

thursday: bozeman likes pears. he also likes to roll on top of them over and over again

good: we are dog sitting this weekend so bozeman won't be lonely

bad: my parents called to say that they are visiting with their dog as well (this isn't really bad, because i love it when they visit. it's just going to be a full house!)

thursday: i still haven't gone to the grocery store. maybe my parents will enjoy eating cereal three times a day?

anyone have any good, bad and thursdays of their own to share? happy early fourth of july!

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