Thursday, April 17, 2008


i'm here! and LH is with me! and we're doing great! i apologize to anyone out there who was worried, distraught or just plain sad. i kind of took an unplanned, unannounced sabbatical from blogging. part of it is LH's fault. if he didn't have such a great schedule right now and wasn't home so much, i would be spending way more time on the computer. instead, i get to have fun with him in the middle of the day... taking walks, going running or to the gym (little-man still checks my ID every time i go in there), running errands, and lately, watching star wars 4, 5, and 6. do you know that i've never seen any of them? LH realized this when we were playing lego star wars over the weekend and he is determined to right that wrong. last night, i fell asleep through the middle of 5 and will have to finish it tonight. so far, though, i really like it and can't believe i missed out for so long.

anyhow, LH has been about 60% of my distraction from blogging. the other 40% goes something like this:

"hmmm, i think i'll sit down and write a blog post" ... "oooh! but first, i want to see what sara has written about her wedding reality show lately" ... "oh, and the pioneer woman has a new website. maybe i should check it out" ... "did felicia's son say anything funny today?" ... "how is k adjusting to her new surroundings?" (you get the idea. i can't link to all of your blogs, sorry!) ...

and then, i would soon get to this: "oops! according to the schedule i wrote for myself this morning, i was supposed to be pulling weeds in the front yard for the past hour that i was reading everyone's blogs. next, i'm supposed to be organizing LH's "everything" room. i guess i better get off the internet quick and get something done around here before LH gets home." ... "oh man, that's his truck pulling up right now. bozeman, let's go say hi to LH!" and that's just about how it happened.

and soon, i just plain grounded myself. i decided that i couldn't blog or read blogs until i had finished my list. well, LH could tell you that i am kind of overly ambitious with my lists. obviously, i always had too much on my list (including running 7 miles in the rain with mrs. d) and never got around to blogging. i should probably just be honest with myself and include "blogging" on my to-do list and we'll all be happy here. right?

this whole situation kind of reminds me about the time i stopped dating for two entire years... which i'll write about next time =) and i promise that i won't take another sabbatical before i write it. i'll leave you with a picture that we took while horseback riding on our honeymoon.


blunoz said...

Oh, good! I was afraid you and LH has befallen some horrible fate. Glad to hear you're both okay.

One Crazy Adventure said...

Welcome back! Missed ya!

amy said...

pretty pic! nice to have you back and glad you and LH are having a great time together. enjoy!!

Chastity said...

I'm just glad you weren't away due to something bad. It's good to have you back!

Sara said...

guess who's back.....
back again...
LW's back....
tell a friend...

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're back!