Wednesday, April 30, 2008

double standards

so, we have this friend who is single and in the market for a husband. she's a great gal, seriously talented in interior design, loves to entertain and cook for friends, and absolutely adores children. the only problem? she is an officer in the military and hopes to continue to advance in her career until retirement. mrs. d and i were working out with her (i'll call her the designer) a few weeks ago and half-jokingly said that maybe she would find a male nurse. that way, the guy would have no problem finding a job wherever she is stationed. it is totally reasonable for a man to ask his wife to move around for his job every 3-4 years, but it's not the norm if the woman is the one doing the relocating. the corporate world doesn't exactly reward people who move around that often. i guess it is possible to find a company, with several locations, who allows you to transfer to a different office. but really, would a guy willingly agree to a lifestyle like that? i think the designer will have to find a free-thinking kind of person. or maybe an author or someone in the same branch of the military so they can be stationed together. really, though, i think our first idea of the male nurse is the best bet. anyone know any male nurses looking for a wife?


Chastity said...

Haha, well, I don't personally know any male nurses, but I wish I could set her up with Jason's best friend. If he doesn't find a girlfriend I think I might have to write him off, lol. He's completely content going out to dinner with Jason, Lila, and I'm stuck sitting there chatting with a 2 year old while they talk about guy stuff.

TRS said...

Not a bad idea. A nurse or an ER doc would be able to find work almost anywhere. I may be wrong but I'm thinking anyone in healthcare - a physical therapist - even a veteranarian - that sort of thing.

One of my really good girlfriends is an airforce pilot. She had a heck of a time, because by the time she met someone, it was time to move. Beside the fact that it was hard to meet a guy who wasn't intimidated by this ultra cool bomber pilot chick. As she approached Major - the pay was way better than most of us in the regular world. So that was a disparity too. They said things like... you don't need me. Sad.

Worst of all was when she was stationed in Las Vegas. She would call me in tears... why would a guy date a respectable girl like her in a town with all the dancers, strippers and cocktail waitresses who were probably game for one-nighters?!

Finally, she met another bomber pilot when he transferred to her base. Thank God! He's the greatest guy - perfect for her.
I knew he was the right guy for her when she was sent overseas and he ended up cradling her dying cat in his arms - until the end - because that's what she would do if she were home!

They're out there... they're just really hard to find!!

One Crazy Adventure said...

I like the murse idea... great thinking!