Friday, April 25, 2008

i take thee, lucky hubby

so, in honor of sara's wedding this weekend, i thought i'd take a minute to remember my wedding a couple of years ago. we got married in a small mountain lodge and it was perfect for us. that's the thing that i love about weddings: every one is so unique and the location and decor usually match the personalities of the bride and groom so well. one of my very good friends from college is going to have quite the opposite wedding from mine this fall. she is actually going to have a gospel choir singing at hers; i had a dj. she also has twelve bridesmaids; i had three. but you know what? no one was at all surprised about any of her plans, and i am so excited to be a part of her wedding. it is going to be a blast. know who else's wedding is going to be fun? sara's =) anyone else dying to get a look at the dress she picked out in NYC?

this was our cake. it was made by one of my mom's very good friends who still lives in the midwest. i remember sneaking bites of leftover cake pieces at her house when i was little... in fact, i wish i had some right now! i have yet to find anyone who can make a wedding cake as tasty as she can.

here is a picture of me with a few of the women in my family. we were having a blast dancing to "we are family." isn't it funny how the bride usually does more dancing than anyone else at her wedding? i guess it's because she is just so incredibly happy and wants everyone to know it =)

now how cute is this? our flower girl was just plain bored with our wedding. isn't she so adorable?

well, those are probably the very few photos that don't have LH in them, and you know how protective i am about sharing his picture with the entire world. so what did you guys have special in your weddings that made it different from anyone else's? or, if you aren't married yet, what would you include in your wedding to make it unique?


Chastity said...

What a beautiful bride you were!

We had a very laid back reception at a clubhouse on the lake. There were lots of outdoor pictures. It was very "us".

So, you're going to Sara's wedding?? Can you fill us in so we don't have to wait until after her honeymoon??

Jamie said...

i will gladly fill everyone in on sara's wedding! =) unfortunately, i seemed to have lost the battery charger for my camera, but thankfully, LH has a camera that is even better than mine, so i should have some pictures of the wedding to share, too!

Nanette said...

You were a stunning bride! Everything you shared looked and sounded great!

As for our wedding, we did the Hand Ceremony (google it). Hmm...I'd have to think what else made it different. Does it count that hubby and I couldn't wipe the smiles off our faces the entire day? :)

Pics here, if you haven't already seen them:

Anonymous said...

you were beautiful bride. at our wedding, we had my grandfathers, who are both ministers, participate. after we walked out, we went right into the bridal room and spent the first few minutes as husband and wife alone. then, we made our grand entrance. it was a really neat thing to do.