he understands the occasional need to bat his eyelashes in order to get his way.
but obviously, he isn't afraid to be a boy and get a little dirty.
however, i'm beginning to worry about whether or not he is secure in his dog-manhood. for some reason (and i might have to blame it on the red collar and leash), our neighbors all think that bozeman is a girl. so, when we come across one of them while out on a walk, they say things like, "she is such a good girl!" or, "we met a dog just like her while we were camping this weekend, but it was a boy." rather than correct our super friendly neighbors, i try to slip in a "he" or "him" during our conversation. if they don't seem to be catching on, i resort to using gender-neutral words while talking about the dog. "oh yes, golden retrievers are great family dogs!" it wasn't until this morning that i started to wonder what bozeman must think when he hears me talking this way. certainly he understands what is going on. before i know it, he's going to start asking for a pink leash or something. i shudder to think what LH will say.
i think i'm going to have to give in and get a blue collar and leash for bozeman, just to emphasize his manly-dogginess.
***LH wanted me to add that bozeman still doesn't pee like a man-dog. he hasn't figured out how to lift his leg, even though we've even tried to lift his leg for him.***
Maybe you could get him a camouflage bandanna or something...something really manly, lol.
I am cracking up! The dog I had growing up (male) didn't pee with the leg lift either - he squated like female dogs do. While I am sure Bozeman is fine, perhaps he should watch some ESPN or something :)
charlie is the same, all the way around. the other day the ups guy called him a girl, of course i think that ups guy should examine himself a little closer. anyway, i used to run out and lift charlie's leg for him when he was about a year or so old. he finally got it, though sometimes he just rotates his hip with a squat, kind of a manly squat, maybe? dogs! gotta love 'em!
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