Thursday, September 4, 2008

i have gas! lots of gas!

that is a line from cars and every time LH and i hear it, we crack up laughing. we are all big burpers in our house, and that includes bozeman. it is so funny, because bozeman has somehow learned to come to LH when he needs to burp. LH has this magical touch that somehow helps bozeman burp so much faster than if i try to help him. since we've been away from LH this week, bozeman has been a little bit lost. today, after my mom and i got back from eating some amazing thai food, i was sitting on the floor next to bozeman when i burped. not one second later, bozeman looked at me and burped, too. i guess hearing me burp triggers his burping mechanism... or else it was just a coincidence.

anyhow, LH obviously has the magic touch. there have been times that i will have this huge burp lurking beneath the surface that just doesn't want to escape, so LH will rub my back or something. no kidding, i burp just as easily as bozeman does. i don't know what it is. honestly, i think LH balances out my type-a personality and somehow my whole body just relaxes when i'm near him.

i'm hoping that LH's magical touch works on the baby, too. my plan is to feed the baby and then hand him/her over to LH every time so he can do the burping. think that will work out well? other than the whole LH having to go to work every day thing...


Anonymous said...

Linked to your blog via PW's comment section and had to check it out - as I am called "wifey" by my DH. In fact, there are many people who do not know my first name - they simply know me as "wifey".

Happy burping to you, lucky wifey:)

Hannah said...

hehe. :-)

Jamie, could you e-mail me with your e-mail address so I can send you "A is for Atticus"? Thanks!