Monday, February 11, 2008

delinquent wifey

i've been way lackadaisical about posting lately, but it has been on purpose. tonight, i was showing LH a picture of bozeman sitting in LH's chair and he asked if i was going to post it on my blog, and i told him that i haven't been blogging lately because i've been trying to get the house all put together. he said that i shouldn't give up blogging just for that since i enjoy it. LH is right, but i need to be disciplined about it so i don't waste hours on end sitting in front of the computer typing and reading and typing some more.
so, in a very teeny, tiny nutshell, here is what we've been up to lately:
*paint, paint and more paint! the yellow paint is now completely gone, but we aren't finished yet. i promise to post before and after pictures.
*i kind of got a very random, yet fun part time job. i guess i didn't "kind of" get it, i have it, but it was kinda funny how i got the job. another story for another time... want to know what i do two days a week? i am a seamstress. laugh all you want, it is fun. i've been looking for a "real" job in this city and haven't found much yet. considering selling clothes through trunk shows because i love clothing so much. maybe, maybe not. anyone ever been to a trunk show and bought anything?
*because of my very flexible schedule, LH and i meet up on base for lunch and a workout quite often. it's really a lot of fun to get to see him so much.
*i'm brainstorming on a valentines day present for LH. maybe i'll post my ideas on here if i think of something good. must think faster, must think faster!
*my parents are giving us their guest bed, which means we will now have a very nice, king size guest bed for visitors.
*LH's parents are giving us some of their furniture as well... we are actually going to have a very nicely furnished house soon.
*i'm tired, so i'm going to bed now! i'll download some fun pictures to share tomorrow


One Crazy Adventure said...

Welcome back! Looking forward to seeing the pictures. If I ever get our house in order, maybe I'll post before and after too.

amy said...

glad to have you back. enjoy getting your house together. i'm sure it looks great! (yours, too, K) how is bozeman liking it? i had to laugh the other day because turner and i were reading yet another dinosaur book and i said they found one type, whatever we were reading, in bozeman, montana! how funny is that? wouldn't have thought twice if i hadn't read your blog!

Chastity said...

Am I crazy or did you already tell me about the seamstress job? I could have sworn I knew that.